Fred Butler, prop designer, accessories designer, art director, dedicated blogger, am not sure what this girl doesn't do! And to top it all Fred has just been awarded New Gen Sponsorship AGAIN for her range of colourful, creative accessories....
Fred brings colour into the lives and accessories of London fashionistas, and here answers a few questions i put to her....
1. Where did you wake up this morning and what was your first thought?

2. What/who is exciting and inspiring you at the moment?

3. Give me one name of the future i should be watching out for?

4. What is your most treasured item of clothing?

5. What do you love most about doing what you do?

6. Tell us your secret passion we would never expect?

7. Can you tell me three style influences for you?

8. Where do you see yourself at 70 years old?

9. What four people would you like to star in 'Come Dine with me' with?